Title: Cold Wether Training in Ice Dugneon Post by: Aleri Briggs on August 02, 2011, 07:23:52 am Cold Wether Training in Ice Dugneon - 01/08/2011
Wether trainin! This is where I'll putt the armi into the thik of it each weak in diferent climates and situations to keep them ever prepared! Test 1 - Cold Wether in Ice Dugneon I briefed the Guardsmen and women aboot why we're doing such harsh tests, and made shure they knew it was serius! Specialy lined and fited clothin was given to each of the atendees, colour coded to match their inner-beings. So it wasn't to everiones surprise that Keres got a pink outfit! Once again as alwais on a Briggs led event, armour is optional. (http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/888/bocicehunt010820111.jpg) Ready to rock! Once incide Ice, it was clear that it was cold. Very cold. The name doesn't give it justise since my nipples were stiking through my chainmail! Some people were more comfortble with the cold than others thou, with the new rekruit Dreher prancin around in his birthday suit! Clearly, the efects of the cold wether has alredy taken it's toll on the subjekts, and we need to get some aktion to get the blood warmed up! Meanwhile, Senior Kas sugested a fantastik idea! Group hug! Worked a treat! So many feelings...so confused... Let it be known that at this pointe, Keres had gone mising, but we perservered. (http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9228/bocicehunt010820112.jpg) Unusual ocurances already! The first mileston I wanted to takle was the Arctic Ogre Lord. With it's unmistaiakleble blue skin, atacks to it causes melee wepons to go brittle quickly, luckili we had a few arkanists and that was job done. The amount of monsters in this dugneon is insane however, ganked us from everry angel but nothin wuld stop us! Let it be known that also, a boulder of some sort has ben folowing us from this pointe on. Flingin rocks at our enemies, and shoutin obsceneities. (http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/9168/bocicehunt010820113.jpg) Arctic Ogre Lords - check! Nekst to takle was the unmistakable Ice Fiend. However slightly mistakable for a Balron except they are aktually lesser daemons in comparison. What maeks them unique once again is their overly scaly skin which made blunt weapons a much beter option as tryin to slice throu it was tough! Dispatched quikly however, and we moved on. We had to keep movin! (http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/5381/bocicehunt010820114.jpg) Ice Fiends - check! The next mileston was the beautiful White Wyrms. One againe, it held many properties of monsters that are accustoamned to harsh cold wethers; however uniquly this dragon breathed ice and hail at us! Gah! No mater! A few moments later and diner was served, barbequed! Let it be known that at this moment, the boulder had disappared, and Keres had reapeared...most interesteteing. (http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/5296/bocicehunt010820115.jpg) White Wyrms - check! The final trial was an extreme test of enduranse. Who culd last the longest in the feirce frozen river?! I onli managed a couple of moments before being hauled to safety, butt beter than some of the others who didn't jump in at al! Rekruit Dreher seemed to be quite used to the cold by now and thus was able to withstand the cold wel. Keres opted for a shouty, thrashin about taktic. We didn't judge, it semed to work to a certan extent. We also didn't want to touch him. At all. At all. (http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/8586/bocicehunt010820116.jpg) Madnes! The cold, is clearli geting to us. Our brains are startin to freeze up, movement slowing, we're losing it! We got to get outta here! Cheese it! Outside! The arkcanists had the right idea, if not a bit over the topp of blowin themselves up with fire incantations to warm up; while everione else did what they could with torches, group hugging and shoutin. The sound of was a complet mess due to the milions of dead brain cells from the Ice Dugneon trip (and from befor), so back to Cove! A sizeable amount of cold, inkluding some vials of blood, leather and skales. For now, dismissed! (http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5827/bocicehunt010820117.jpg) Test 1 - Complete! Attended Guardsmen Ilyana Drachen, Arkanist Corporal Kas Valentine, Senior Arkanist Aleri Briggs, Junior Guardsman - LEADING Leith Keres/a mysterious icy boulder, Junior Scout Avalynn Vale, Watchwoman Lucent Dreher, Guardsman Recruit Syvirosy Jaquen, Guardsman Recruit Aleri Briggs, Junior Guardsman |