Title: Mercy's guided tour of crypt and orc forts.. - or was it? Post by: Mercy on August 06, 2011, 09:22:49 pm I'd just got back to the barracks after my widwifery visit to Kat and Tommy Nottinbury to find the place was still empty. Where'd everyone gone I wondered when I saw someone lurking about in the shadows. I thought it was one of the Scouts but when they came towards me they were all dressed in some costume. So I tolds them its not All Hallows eve and they made a funny sort of noise and asked me what I meant. Bit funny someone dressed up and not knowing why? But I tolds them anyway. Then they started going on about some Guardian, and master and trying to get me to bow, didn't see why I should so I didn't.
He kept making these portals and talking about minions, so I said I could make one and went to Yew, but he followed me. Then he made another portal and I thought it was to go back to Cove and walked throught, except we weren't at Cove we were, I dunno where we were but it weren't Cove. We were at some old looking church with a graveyard, and he pushes me in, was very rude all the pushing. But was a nice little church a bit sparse and what I thought was his dad as a statue cause it looked like him in the other costume, except he didn't seem to like me talking about his dad. I told him a bit about mine or what little I knew. But he said the statue is of the Guardian, the Master of creation and destructions, so I said, that sounds like Kas he's good at making things and destroying things. Anyways this funny green man came in and they was talking to each other in a strange language and next thing I know they're taking me some place else. I walked out the next portal and this time we're at some wooden buildings, so I thought maybe its some kind of strange tour? Maybe these are like an odd tourist group or maybe they trying to find buyers for their houses? So I looks all round the wooden building and in the different rooms, found a nice lot of pretty things in one. Then went up and checked the view but I didn't think it'd be that nice for me and I like my new house so I had to go tell them, thankyous but I won't be buying it. When I went back outside the other green man and costumed one were gone, was just this other one sat on a stool and looking a bit um, drunk. So I told him that its a nice place and all but not just for me and thanked him kindly for letting me have a looks about. I then made my way past the buildings and through the forest but I wasn't sure where I was so had to magic my way home. When I got back there still wasn't anyones about so I decided to go and have a nap. (http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/7364/merctour.jpg) *signed* Mercy, Junior Arcanist |