Title: Acting Class! Post by: Ginger on July 01, 2005, 05:13:46 pm The play is comming and auditions are soon to come. But this has nothing to do with the upcomming play. The theatre classes are for all citizens who feel they might be able to awaken a flame of passion. The theatre classes are good for confidence and and also can help you improve your roleplay dramatically as a large part is connected to improvisation. And mostly it is about fun!
Once the course has been finnished, the students receive a diploma that will certainly help in future gigs. It is a lot of fun, so sighn up and have a good time! Sighn below if you feel inspired! Title: Re: Acting clas! Post by: Tiolas on July 05, 2005, 05:46:22 pm I hope you all enjoyed the auditions last night! This style of improvisation is just one of the many things that is done in acting clas. It is so much fun if we can get a few people together, and when you complete these classes, you get a diploma that would allow you to take on the proffesion of actor or actress later on.... This has an effect on your status in society... it is somewhere on these boards... anyway sighn up if you are interested!