Title: Kurt's Training Post by: Sergio on September 18, 2011, 08:53:33 pm In Attendance:
Ilyana Drachen Arcanist Corporal Kurt Senior Guardsman Perrin Regular Guardsman Darek Milako Regular Genadier Tyrael Styx Junior Grenadier Lucent Dreher Watchman Cal'ain Watchman Veronica Guardsman Recruit Kado Gael I came upon everyone running about in circles in the arena with a guy yelling at the elf to do the report and afterwards I ended up volunteering to do the report which turned out to be for a training. The training started with a three versus three which quickly changed line ups and ended fairly quickly. Then there was a "toughness" training where we'd all beat on one person until it was our turn to get beaten on. After my turn Kado didn't want to stop hitting me so I had to lightning him. (http://oi53.tinypic.com/241p4js.jpg) (http://oi53.tinypic.com/1zd14za.jpg) After that there was a free for all which everyone attacked me right off the bat so I had to run around healing and couldn't really do anything. I learned that no matter what I do everyone will attack me First regardless if they know me or not and to never stand next to the Celt. Also Thanks to the person who gave me everyones name. *Signed* Lucent Dreher Watchman |