Title: Wanted - Sra! - Arrest Okuni Hasiba on sight! Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 07, 2012, 03:21:14 pm *writes a note to leave in the barracks*
A strange woman who claimed to be from Tokuno came up to me on the Barracks this morning wanting gold and food, I gave her some silver and an apple and she appeared.. She called herself Okuni Hasbia and I seemed to have gotten distracted but after she left I noticed that the rest of my silver went missing! She was wearing Tokunese clothes and had a kasa.. If you see her, arrest her or use force if necessary! *signed* Jassi Cowin Title: Re: Wanted - Sra! - Arrest Okuni Hasiba on sight! Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 07, 2012, 03:43:10 pm *pins another letter attached to underneath*
Shortly after this occurred, another woman of the same figure wearing samurai armor approached and silent put a dagger to me neck, trying to force me to surrender.. I refused and she threw a dart at me.. I was then forced to attack.. She was rather weak and her poison could not pierce my armor, she did and escape and I believe this was the same woman who must have taken by silver.. I still could not see her face however.. If you see her, you may use force or arrest her on sight.. *signed* - Jassi Cowin |