Title: Sentry at Cove Gates Post by: Jassi Cowin on February 09, 2012, 07:43:39 pm Led By:
Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman Guardsman in Attendance: Perrin, Regular Guardsman Leanne Melior, Junior Scout On Tuesday, I decided to lead a sentry at the gates of Cove after being attacked by a thief known as Sra. Criminals seem to have been taking to the streets due to the absence of Covian forces. It was a much rather normal sentry, as Perrin helped build the walls, I went out and brought us Leanne also decided to dress up in a disguise and come back to the sentry as some sort of farmer who was missing her goat. However, I had informed her that her goat served a great cause and was slaughtered in order to fortify our sentry. She had been playing us the entire time though and we let her pass into Cove to look for the goat. This is of course what the guardsmen must watch out for when in Cove. Anyone could be a deadly thief. *sketches* (http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr189/Jonnyboy22/Covesentry01.jpg) *signed* Jassi Cowin, Regular |