Title: Shave your heads! Post by: Ahmed on July 03, 2005, 08:11:41 am The bald men do it once again.
What started as a friendly....."friendly" duel between myself and Ryan Greystone turned out to create mayhem. Men just pouring into the ring all challenging the elite bald men, myself and Senior Elite Bald Man Gry. We withstood waves of men, including some of the harder Guardsman such as Hrothgar and Tiberius. I kept hearing (http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/2315/elitebaldmen7sc.jpg) In the end, the only two left standing....were bald men! So shave your head today and join our elite crew! *Flees the scene* Title: Re: Shave your heads! Post by: Daelin on July 03, 2005, 11:54:02 am *Stares quietly at the note and clenches his fist*
Just ye wait ye bald freak... I..I'll.. I'll cut yer bloodi 'ead off! *Twitches and slams the door of the barracks behind him* [OOC] Gahh! I got no idea how you two survived that... I blame Grief though! *Eyes* :P Anyway grand fighting there! Wouldn't mind having you two in a war with me. 8) Title: Re: Shave your heads! Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on July 03, 2005, 02:10:37 pm Gwhahahaha!
Title: Re: Shave your heads! Post by: Calico on July 03, 2005, 07:12:24 pm *reads the note... looks at her long pony tail thoughtfuly.... slinks back into the shadows*