Title: An Orc Killing Spree. Post by: Arkonios on July 03, 2005, 09:11:20 am Arkonios Guardsman Recruit.
Early this morning I Took a small trip dow'n to ther Orc Fort. I avnt' bin down ther' before so i thought i'd give them orcs summit to talk about. In the half an hour or so i was ther' i managed to collect a tidy sum' o' gold fer the Baronship and slay some of the beasties that terrorise Cove. (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/410/orcdeaths3ah.jpg) On the way back I checked in the City to see' if everything wer' okay. Gates and docks all clear. Apart from the stray dogs and the rats all seemed to be okay. (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/7152/dockallclear8oy.jpg) Wandered up to North Tower. Nothing unusual. (http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4483/northtowerclear1ea.jpg) Then marched back up to the barracks and ad' a quick nap. OOC: Apologies for my dress colours.(Leader suit from Capture Base Last night) I need clothes re dyed. *Smiles* |