Title: Sunday, 01st April 2012, 8:30pm GMT - Drow Hunt Post by: Leanne Martin on March 27, 2012, 07:04:18 pm And what is it we'll do? A drow hunt, silly!
Sounds cool. And when will this happen? Glad ye ask. it'll be 1st April at 8:30 pm GMT Awesome! And what do I need to bring? All ye need to survive! And where do I need to gather for that amazing event? At the Covian barracks! And dare ye to be late! And what's the prize? Yer current pot plus an extra! Ilyana Drachen, Commander of the Covian Army OOC: This is a community wide event, so everyone is invited. Orcs, drows, undeads or the like though should come in disguise. Title: Re: Sunday, 01st April 2012, 8:30pm GMT - Drow Hunt Post by: Leanne Martin on March 31, 2012, 08:25:31 pm Tomorrow! And NO, this ain't an april fool joke :P