Title: Hunt ta rid compassion of evil Post by: Dasnord on July 03, 2005, 05:40:41 pm Leader: Guardsman recruit arkonios
Members: watchman Redgar Guardsman recruit Padlo During mass this evening we were confessing our sins when coria'ta blasphimed. because of this we were sent ta rid compassion of evil. when we got there we waited a long time for people who never came. Slakers... in the end we went into compassion on our own. we met a few lesser monsters that stoo' no chance but as we go' farther in we found true evil. many daemons where around. after we lay a few down with ou' 'eads we came ta our mane challeng'. A paragon daemon. It knocked us all out severall times but we never gave up. eventualy we got 'elp from a few stranger magicians. afte' tha' we came 'ome. (http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9079/daemon3ky.jpg) The firs' Daemon ta fall... (http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/5676/dead4ly.jpg) Us dea' afte' an attack on ta paragon (http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/1796/paragon6ar.jpg) Us Before i's fall Signed.... Guardsman Recruit Padlo |