Title: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Octiovus on March 08, 2018, 02:44:19 pm Hail ghosts and spirits that still haunt these cursed halls!
UO is apparently soon to launch UO: Endless Journey (https://uo.com/endless-journey/) which will allow players to return for free. If anyone is interested in having a little nostalgic wander around Britannia with the Baron, drop me a line. I hope you are all well. Long live Cove! *signed flamboyantly* Octiovus Von Richter Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on March 09, 2018, 10:20:29 am I'm not 100% sure I'd still be able to access my account! I think I know the username and password, but the account management is such a maze of EA/Broadsword/Mythic confusion.
Still, even if I have to start from scratch with Hoagie 2.0, I'd love to swing around the old haunts. Whichever ones are still standing, anyway. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Linaeus on March 09, 2018, 05:54:36 pm Gentlemen, here is your subscription based payment method.
We're CRUSHING it. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Mercy on March 30, 2018, 10:38:49 pm There's quite a few GRD players back in game and some Vesperians hanging around.
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Gimbly on April 05, 2018, 07:49:01 am Octiovus!
ye filthy bagger, i'd rather drop dead than ...oh wait... ... what a great and splendid idea ye got there my liege ...*hurls a grenade towards Octiovus* So anyone wandering around those empty lands of former joy and happiness these days ? Was hoping to see someone of the ol' days in SOTA ( besides some fellas of GRD ) greetz an' long live the great empire of Cove Gimbly, Grenadier of great and baldness Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Gregor Eason on April 05, 2018, 01:04:47 pm I saw Endless Journey pop up and chuckled to myself. "Hah! Remember when I used to play UO?"
Of course, I installed UO today and am currently wandering the land on a trial account :D I went straight to Cove. Good to see Kas Valentine's Rulk Industries has managed to weather the Britannian economy. But yeah, I'm intrigued by Endless Journey. It's funny - regardless of which game I play or even which IRL hobbies I pursue (be it writing, drama, design) nothing quite beats those old BoC days. The fun, the arguments, the incessant quitting and returning that I did (unfortunately, this trait followed me into real life - maybe doing this in the online world kept me sane in the offline world? ;p). We were true pixel adventurers. Pioneers of the MMO industry and able to appreciate UO as one does a fine wine. I hope y'all keeping well and that life is good. For Cove! :D Surya/Eason Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 06, 2018, 09:47:11 am I just popped on to say that it looks like Endless Journey is now live (https://uo.com/endless-journey/), but it looks like Eason beat me to it!
Huarh?! Edit: Well, it's live-ish. They're still working on migrating all of the closed accounts to Endless Journey status, which may take another day or so. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Gregor Eason on April 06, 2018, 02:34:55 pm HOAGIE! Yo man :)
Yeah, I just tried my old account and it wasn't happening. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 06, 2018, 03:35:30 pm I just logged into ICQ because I somehow still remember my username and password. Scrolling down my contact list sure was a walk down memory lane!
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Octiovus on April 08, 2018, 12:49:18 pm The great insult of the -V- arena being erected on Covian soil could not go unanswered!
(https://s17.postimg.org/576zm39nz/The_Barons_Legacy.png) Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Escaflowne -V- on April 08, 2018, 10:15:54 pm Yeah we ran out of decent sized building spaces years ago in Vesper so we had to expand to Cove :P
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Pickles on April 09, 2018, 05:12:22 am Attempting account recovery... Apparently my 15 year old email address is no longer accessible. Inconceivable!
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Jassi Cowin on April 09, 2018, 02:29:23 pm Lazy Gitz!! I took care of Cove while you are were gone and now that it is free to login you want to call yourselves Covians again!! Should be ashamed.. It is unfortunate that due to YOUR INACTIVITY on who knows what island, drinking your pineapple juice while sitting on your beach chairs that Cove got annexed by the Queen of Vesper, Anna Goodward as Cove was badly outnumbered, we were forced to sign a treaty and it fell under Vesper province.
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 09, 2018, 06:11:25 pm Whoopsy daisy.
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Celuvian on April 12, 2018, 09:25:23 am I just logged into ICQ because I somehow still remember my username and password. Scrolling down my contact list sure was a walk down memory lane! ICQ...that very title brings back memories of old...ahh *dreamy eyes* Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Gregor Eason on April 12, 2018, 05:03:37 pm Lazy Gitz!! I took care of Cove while you are were gone and now that it is free to login you want to call yourselves Covians again!! Should be ashamed.. It is unfortunate that due to YOUR INACTIVITY on who knows what island, drinking your pineapple juice while sitting on your beach chairs that Cove got annexed by the Queen of Vesper, Anna Goodward as Cove was badly outnumbered, we were forced to sign a treaty and it fell under Vesper province. This is awesome! Vesper is like Russia - and we're Crimea. Time for a new resistance? As it's survived so well, perhaps under the banner of Rulk Industries? Fight for Cove! As part of Rulk Industries Military. RIM ;) Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Linaeus on April 12, 2018, 09:11:23 pm RIM'll get the job done.
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 13, 2018, 07:33:45 am Lazy Gitz!! I took care of Cove while you are were gone and now that it is free to login you want to call yourselves Covians again!! Should be ashamed.. It is unfortunate that due to YOUR INACTIVITY on who knows what island, drinking your pineapple juice while sitting on your beach chairs that Cove got annexed by the Queen of Vesper... Esca's a queen now? Always had ideas above his station... Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Gregor Eason on April 13, 2018, 02:38:40 pm RAIDEN! *MANHUG*
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 13, 2018, 02:54:53 pm Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 16, 2018, 07:25:23 am Downloaded it Saturday night and had a bit of a mooch around. It certainly brought back happy memories.
Then I realised that the '\' key on my laptop prints a '#' and no matter how i tried I couldn't get anything to print a '\' so I couldn't use guild chat. Hoagieeeeeee... HELPPPPPPPP! :D Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 16, 2018, 09:48:32 pm D'oh!
In your system tray, does it say "ENG" or "US"? Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2018, 08:01:46 am It ways ENG but the laptop keyboard layout is slightly different. The '\' key is not to the left of the Z. It's on the next the the ENTER key but when I press it, it prints a # likie I guess it should on an ENGLISH QWERTY keyboard.
I have 2 '/' keys, one next to the '.' as normal and one on the number pad. I was going to remap one of those as the '\' but can't figure how the feck to do it in Windows 10. Unless you have a better idea mon, which you probably do! ;) Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 17, 2018, 09:22:32 am Unfortunately not this time, but if you post the make & model I can see if I can figure something out.
Also, looks like Octi is on course to win the Vesparian election, and there are two more positions to fill. And there are two of us. See where I'm going with this? Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2018, 10:18:26 am Politics never was Raiden's strong point. ;)
It's an Asus 751M ... I think. It must be an American keyboard layout. Should I swap to American language in my settings? Thanks for helping a bumbling old fool yet again mate. :D EDIT: I found on Stratics that ALT + 92 is an alternative. I'll give it a try next time I log in. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 17, 2018, 01:50:33 pm Not sure it's fair to say that I've helped! Laptop keyboards are a bit baffling, really, never sure where things are supposed to be.
Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2018, 07:50:08 pm The ALT + 92 thing works at least.
I dunno if I have fubar'd my account. All I did was download the client and log in using my old info. Didn't do the whole create new account here and link it there shizz and I don't have any storage in my bank box but that's supposed to be a thing now and it looks like I can't be friended to houses either. Is that just an Endless Journey thing or is there something afoot with my account? Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Hoagie on April 18, 2018, 08:49:15 am Nah, I think that's just an endless journey thing.
Well, you should be able to be friended to houses, I think, but not use any containers or log out instantly. So basically kinda pointless for now. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 18, 2018, 08:55:09 pm Been Covin' it up with the Hoagster tonight.
Would be great to see a few more old faces in game soon! ;) Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Escaflowne -V- on April 22, 2018, 10:00:31 pm I'll always be your queen Raiden! :D
Lol Esca isn't very popular in Vesper at the moment, only half of the people like/loyal to him after i tried to remove Anna from power :P. They dont trust me either cause when i returned to UO from a long break few years back, after seeing RP was quite dead I left Vesper and Made a new guild Hand of Chaos, that was casual RP/PvM and actually became royalists when Blackthorn became king and acted as his personal guard at EM events and such lol. (https://i.imgur.com/YgfqUhW.jpg) So yeah Esca is like a triple agent right now lol. But yeah this is a great time to get some RP going on between us all to help rebuild if ya'll are coming back. Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 23, 2018, 08:26:47 am I'll always be your queen Raiden! :D Haha! :D I'm hoping to get in game for half an hour or so tonight for the election event. I don't think the EMs have forgiven me for shouting out 'Ey up lads! The stripper's 'ere!' when she hopped up onto the table at that big event in Britain. :D Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Raiden Morana on April 23, 2018, 09:02:08 pm It was great to get an hour in game with some true Covian legends tonight! :D
Hopefully I'll see you guys again soon! Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Octiovus on April 24, 2018, 12:04:01 am (https://s17.postimg.cc/p5koxzlnj/Chancellorelections.png)
We have lost the battle, but the war has only just begun!! Title: Re: Ultima Online: Endless Journey Post by: Delcarakdur on May 06, 2018, 03:00:03 pm Posting in a thread for old times sake, I might return but for now I'm getting everything up to speed again.
Also good to see so many old faces around :-* |