Title: Patrol Report:A quest for feathers (and arrows) Post by: Raven on May 05, 2018, 06:33:08 pm 'Twas around mid-day when ah bumped int' Tyrael Stix an' Carolin on t'docks. They had jus' come back from' gi'in t' cemetary a goo' thrashin' an' were a bi' low on arrers.
Sounded loike a grea' opportunit' to take a Grenadier' and t'civvie on a trip to my favourite huntin' spots. So we went' t' t' Shrine o' spirituality 'en Illshenar. Smashed a few Harpies f'feathers up past 'em pixies. Got loike o'er 1,800 feathers, an' Caorlin lost her bandana! Then headed o'er west, past 'em Meer Town to t'ruins plagued by Ratmen. Carolin an I' despatched a number o' em and gathered o'er 400 arrows. Good enough for Carolin t' get int' her trainin' more. It were noice t'head out wi' a co-hort o' archers! A true weapon of greatness! Carolin foun' her bandana when we go' back t'Cove. *Signed, Raven* *below are a few crudely drawn images* (http://www.givemeapassword.co.uk/boc/18_Raven_Ilsh_01.png) (http://www.givemeapassword.co.uk/boc/18_Raven_Ilsh_02.png) Title: Re: Patrol Report:A quest for feathers (and arrows) Post by: Octiovus on May 07, 2018, 12:22:36 am Sterling work Raven, you are adept at killing your namesake!
*Signed* Octiovus Von Richter |