Title: Training exercise report Post by: Jassi Cowin on May 07, 2018, 10:09:03 pm Guardsman in Attendance:
Delcadur, Regular Grenadier Hoagie, Tingleith, Guardsman Recruit Pickles, Covian? Vesperian Declan joined us as well Led by: Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman We have had a lack of training as of late among the Covian forces, so I gathered a crew at the barracks myself and led them on a training exercise that I called THE SLEEPWALKER.. I dreamed of a training and I dreamed of sleepwalking and that's how this training came about! Simply put, I was sleepwalking around the lands at random, I stopped for nothing.. It was the job of everyone else to keep me alive and well.. So in a way, I led them on a wild goose chase.. Many monsters were slain along the way as well in both the graveyards and the swamps, Hoagie took command of the guards as I walked in my sleep.. The exercise in general taught them about formation protection which I lectured the guards about after the exercise was done.. The men did well considering I was stripped down to my bedtime clothes for the exercise and it got a little overwhelming when I ended up in the swamps. I have attached paintings below! (https://imageshack.com/a/img923/186/7sUZTt.jpg) *signed* Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: Training exercise report Post by: Hoagie on May 08, 2018, 08:26:51 am Good training, Cowin.
I'm glad to see you're on the path to reformation. *Signed,* Hoagie, Indeterminate Rank |