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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hoagie on May 08, 2018, 10:07:21 am

Title: Paint For Cove!
Post by: Hoagie on May 08, 2018, 10:07:21 am
A new year, a new barracks, a new painting.

Our new barracks will require decoration! Submit a painting of your favourite Covian, scenery, or really anything and win acclaim forever as one of the grand artists of Cove.

One entry per person!

Suggested subjects:
~ Our beloved Baron Octiovus
~ Transport Minister Chelmsford
~ The Baron's Sceptre
~ The Barracks
~ Cove
~ Mongbats

OOC: Draw a portrait or scene from Cove in MS Paint or your art application of choice. A winner will be selected at some indeterminate point in the future, and you will win the satisfaction of being better than everyone else. The best satisfaction of all.

~ No screenshots of the paperdoll.
~ No screenshots in general.

Title: Re: Paint For Cove!
Post by: Hoagie on May 09, 2018, 12:01:45 pm
Hoagie emerges from his room after a day and a night, covered in paint.

"It's perfect!"


Title: Re: Paint For Cove!
Post by: C. Veldrin on May 12, 2018, 09:15:08 am

I submit the Baron giving Veldrin a Deed of Friendship.

Title: Re: Paint For Cove!
Post by: Lucas Drachen on May 12, 2018, 07:30:02 pm

Title: Re: Paint For Cove!
Post by: Leanne Martin on September 29, 2018, 08:50:34 am
The wedding picture of Elizabeth and Leanne Martin-Melior
