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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Jassi Cowin on May 13, 2018, 02:56:22 am

Title: Sentry Report!!
Post by: Jassi Cowin on May 13, 2018, 02:56:22 am
Date Saturday May 12th

Guardsman in attendance:

Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman
Nicholi, Regular Guardsman
Jon Trent, Junior Guardsman
Larynda, Yewish Drow

Led by:

Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman

I must report that earlier today I convinced Nicholi and the Yewish gal Laryna to join me on a sentry. There wasn't much going on and we were all feeling  the heat and it just sort of.. Happened.. Nicholi and I got to work on the sentry while Larynda... Watched.. Suppose she was nice to look at. Marcus Kobra later on joined us in complete excitement along  with Junior Guardsman, Jon Trent. The sentry was held at the barracks even though I had originally intended for it to take place at the gates.. But whatever, a sentry is a sentry and this is the first one at the new barracks!

Not much happened, we slayed an ogre that came marching up on us and there was a farmer from Altmere who came down that was extremely upset, we apparently killed his cattle to build the sentry.. I have learned my lesson though and will continue to use cattle from farmers in Altmere to build Sentries! or maybe I shouldn't?.. I assured him that the Baron would reimburse him for the loss of his livestock.. A man must feed his family after all..  We held the sentry for at least a half hour. I have provided sketches below!



Jassi Cowin, Regular Guardsman

Title: Re: Sentry Report!!
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 13, 2018, 08:00:12 am
About bloody time someone posted a sentry!

Good work Cowin. Though, what business a drow had there I ne're know.


Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman.