Title: Training Turned Recruitment Stall Turned Cadre Post by: Raiden Morana on May 14, 2018, 08:34:37 pm Led by:
Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman. Attended by: Kelly Sanderson, Senior Guardsman. Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman. Raven, Regular Grenadier. Mercy, Junior Arcanist. Rook, Watchman. Joined later by: Delcarakdur, Regular Grenadier. Tingleith, Guardsman Recruit. With my initial call for a training session and recruit cadre attended by higher ranking guardsmen, Senior Guardsman Sanderson suggested that we go off in the search for new blood to fill the lower ranks. I concurred and had Mercy open a portal to the town of New Haven. Once there, we set about harvesting the resources we needed to construct a recruitment stall and headed into the hussle and bustle. (https://i.imgur.com/7QcMVx6.png) Some sketches o' the evenin's events. It was nay long afore we had the place decorated in recruitment banners and our stall erected, so I ordered the men to spread the good word of Cove to every adventurer they could find. As further reinforcements arrived in the form of Guardsman Recruit Tingleith, I decided to put on a show of Covian might for the local populace and run through parade and battle orders to help Tingle get a better grasp of how things are done. The cadre complete, we made our way back to the stall for another round of recruiting and I left the men in the capable hands of Senior Guardsman Sanderson, as I had duties ter attend to elsewhere. Well done lads 'n' lasses. FOR COVE!!! *signed* Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman. Title: Re: Training Turned Recruitment Stall Turned Cadre Post by: Kelly Sanderson on May 14, 2018, 09:14:15 pm *Attaches some additional paintings*
After Senior Morana left, I did a quick spot check of equipment essentials. (http://oi63.tinypic.com/23vbw2d.jpg) *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Senior Guardsman Title: Re: Training Turned Recruitment Stall Turned Cadre Post by: Raiden Morana on May 14, 2018, 09:43:05 pm Grand work lass and thankye fer takin' over.
*signed* Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman. |