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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Leanne Martin on May 19, 2018, 07:14:13 pm

Title: Help my find my pendant - Wednesday, 23th May, 7:30pm GMT
Post by: Leanne Martin on May 19, 2018, 07:14:13 pm
Where to meet: Barracks
When: Wednesday, 23.05.18, 7:30pm GMT
What to bring: Your wits, your kits, your gears

Fellow Covians,

As I newely joined the ranks of Cove, thee may not know me. My name is Ilyrana Qinlee, and I callth upon thee in an emergency. It appears I have lost my ankh pendant in the dungeon of Deceit the last time I hast vanquished these foul beasts. Please help me find it!

May the Avatar be with thee,
Ilyrana Qinlee

*a few notes scribbled to the bottom*
I also have sent this invitation towards Stonekeep and Vesper. May the virtues be with thee.

Title: Re: Help my find my pendant - Wednesday, 23th May, 7:30pm GMT
Post by: Leanne Martin on May 19, 2018, 07:14:24 pm
Ilyrana is elfen mage who is a believer of the Avatar. Therefor she needs a pendant. These are rare tho, thus we slay a lot of enemies in Deceit (its still not buffed, so we shouldn't have lots of trouble. Ankh pendants have a random chance to drop while killing enemies, so more ppl, the bigger the chance. They drop directly in backpacks)

Title: Re: Help my find my pendant - Wednesday, 23th May, 7:30pm GMT
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 23, 2018, 07:36:14 am
*re-pins to the top*

Let's help the Recruit find her pendant and clear the place of unpleasantness, eh?


Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman.