Title: [Report] Fitness training & Games Post by: Shadwell on May 24, 2018, 09:07:55 pm Attendance:
Lead by: Kelly Sanderson Raiden Keres Tiberius Keitaro Gimbly Tsukiyomi Marcus *smudges with another name or two?* The Covian Army has grown fat and bald. Time to get back in shape! Senior Guard Kelly Sanderson took us through a gruelling training. We started with three laps around the good old barracks, followed with being chased by an axe wielding Tiberius. Luckily after this she allowed our creativity and ingenuity to shine! We formed two groups (Fatty and Baldy) and made one glorious camp site and one that was just terrible (the baldy one). After that we had team vs team fight on the barracks roof. Of course won by team fatty! But who reads these days? Look at the beautiful painting below! *Signed Eben Roichar* (https://i.imgur.com/TNbXiY8.png) Title: Re: [Report] Fitness training & Games Post by: Kelly Sanderson on May 24, 2018, 09:46:24 pm A grand report, lad!
And a bloody good lot of exercise! Need to get our old bones working! *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Senior Guardsman Title: Re: [Report] Fitness training & Games Post by: Raiden Morana on May 25, 2018, 07:23:18 am A grand trainin' lass. Well done lads!
Getting roundly booed for being tardy - check. Fined 10 pushups - check. Getting whacked by Tibby - check. Whacking Keres in the safe zone - check. Building the best camp - check. Using the best Covian insults - check. Being the last man standin' - check. Har! *signed* Raiden Morana, Senior Guardsman. |