Title: 2nd June, 2018, 8pm GMT - Zombie training and Covian bulldog! Post by: Leanne Martin on May 26, 2018, 02:58:13 pm Where? At the barracks, afterwards we go to Covetown
What to bring? Combat Gear! Since last time my training session got interrupted by that bloody templar, we are doin' it now! Ye are still all fatties and rubbish! Time to get in shape. And since I am not evil, we get ye in shape by playin' games where ye all can bash each others heads. Leanne Melior Title: Re: 2nd June, 2018, 8pm GMT - Zombie training and Covian bulldog! Post by: Leanne Martin on June 02, 2018, 04:05:06 am *bump*
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