Title: 8pm - June 11th - Welcome to the Britannian Boxing League Post by: Leso Varen on June 11, 2018, 10:42:01 am Pugilists, fist-fighters, hard-knockers and skull-rockers, gather ye around!
Do you like fighting? Do you like MONEY?! The Britannian Boxing League is aiming to kick off a new campaign of crooked noses, black eyes, and spat-out teeth. Do you have what it takes to be the champ? Join us tonight atop Cove barracks to find out! 200 gold coins to the winner of every fight and your name on the league table. Can you claim the top spot? Can you keep it? Drinks and gambling to be had, also. Rules * No eye-gouging. * No biting. * No weapons or armour. * No bandages. * Extra credit to those who bring their own costume/stage persona. |