Title: Watchman's Trials: Nicolae Sorin Post by: Kelly Sanderson on June 13, 2018, 03:59:43 pm Watchman's Trial: Nicolae Sorin Greetings, Watchman! It has come to our attention that you have deemed yourself worthy of your Watchman's Trials. Time to earn your Covian Cap! Task One: Wilderness Walk (http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af316/grimsditch/Duty1SwampCompass.png) I want you to lead the guardsmen and any other willing participants into a different environment and teach a lesson in Wilderness and Survival Training. What you must do:
Task Two: Replenishing Resources (http://oi52.tinypic.com/2j4eys7.jpg) Your second task is one of giving. You are to gather the following for the Baronship Household: *10,000 gold pieces *1,000 arrows *1,000 crossbow bolts *2,000 bandages Here's the rules -
This task can be carried out alone or with others. Task Three: Rallying Recruits (http://i48.tinypic.com/fu0sbb.jpg) The good old recruitment parade. I want you to host one. Your choice of location but the heavier the population, the better. Requirements:
A full report for each task must be submitted by yourself in order to complete the trials. Good luck, Watchman. Do your worst. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Corporal |