Title: Orcish Eradication! Post by: Raiden Morana on June 19, 2018, 02:25:13 pm Bloody orcs are becomin' more brazen and better armed. They're even bein' integrated into Vesperian society... And their bloody fort gets reinforced daily. Time to stop 'em at the source lads!
- Lead a raiding party to the orc valley in Yew to destroy their underground operations. - At least 2 other guardsmen must attend. - If you wish, you may invite our Yewish allies to help. - Make use of any Grenadiers or Besiegers present, to cleanse the place by fire. - Return with no less than 20,000 coins and as much smelted ore from their brutes as you can carry. - Post a full report in the IC board with a link below. Good luck guardsmen! *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |