Title: Training! Post by: Keitaro Kazami on June 23, 2018, 01:17:45 am Leading:
Keitaro Kazami, Regular Guardsman Attending: Covian: Tereleith, Watchman Tiberius, Senior Guardsman Yewish: Robert Tripps, Veteran Besieger Aries Harper, Rookie Guard As I had called for a training tonight and so few had shown up I sent a Raven off to Yew to see if our allies would like a joint training. They sent over two of their guardsman, A besieger and a rookie. After welcoming them to the line I had then fight against each to see how good their healing was. The Rookie was the first to fall followed by surpising Tibs. After we got them back up I saw how good there were at following orders. Starting off with the surprising them with wacking on Tibs. Which it seems the Yewish Besieger and Tereleith followed the ordered fast followed by the Rookie. Followed by some basic parade drills that the Yewish picked up fast. Even gave out battle orders and had surprising results. After all this I ended the training with a free for all which I joined in after having them strip out of their armor to make it fair for all on it. Which seems to ended quickly with the Rookie falling first followed by the watchman and then the besieger fell before me and Tibs. Tiberius put up a good fight but I held on and manged to trip up the Senior. After I had them line up again I dismissed them. (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh152/Kentaro_01/1529706928-report_zpsmhvwxbew.png) (http://s255.photobucket.com/user/Kentaro_01/media/1529706928-report_zpsmhvwxbew.png.html) *Signed Neatly* Keitaro Kazami, Regular Guardsman Title: Re: Training! Post by: Octiovus on June 23, 2018, 03:07:26 am You're a lucky bugger, Regular.
Good training! *signed* Tiberius Kane |