Title: Tingle's Friday Tokunese Takeout Post by: Tingleith on June 29, 2018, 11:55:58 am Fer me first duty back among cove i took it among meself to show the tokunese wenches among the fancy fan dancing dojo that brute force an ol' grit is much stronger than all this fancy stuff. Also i snagged mesel a nice pack o gold fer the coffer's which is always a bonus and shall make the baron happy i hope. (http://i.imgur.com/dBNm2TM.png?1) (https://imgur.com/dBNm2TM)(http://i.imgur.com/B9Mrrum.png?1) (https://imgur.com/B9Mrrum)(http://i.imgur.com/ynsnb6G.png?1) (https://imgur.com/ynsnb6G)(http://i.imgur.com/ZtcHItj.png?2) (https://imgur.com/ZtcHItj)(http://i.imgur.com/eGZeYcU.png?1) (https://imgur.com/eGZeYcU) |