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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Tingleith on June 29, 2018, 12:11:43 pm

Title: Friday Mourning - Death To The Monster Scum Roaming The Crossroads
Post by: Tingleith on June 29, 2018, 12:11:43 pm
After me little excursion to tokuno i thought why not maintain the level of energy and passion i had in fighting before.

So i decided to set out on a partrol from altmere up te the crossroads encountered a few beast's on the way but nothing really notable as they've all put down now foul guardian spawn.

(http://i.imgur.com/u5vEG1j.png?1) (https://imgur.com/u5vEG1j)(http://i.imgur.com/tGAUmLB.png) (https://imgur.com/tGAUmLB)(http://i.imgur.com/eEh3PXj.png?1) (https://imgur.com/eEh3PXj)(http://i.imgur.com/ehOqePE.png?1) (https://imgur.com/ehOqePE)(http://i.imgur.com/t5YxO5X.png?1) (https://imgur.com/t5YxO5X)(http://i.imgur.com/3qLPjWa.png?1) (https://imgur.com/3qLPjWa)(http://i.imgur.com/uQpHDCi.png?1) (https://imgur.com/uQpHDCi)(http://i.imgur.com/JUznzWs.png?1) (https://imgur.com/JUznzWs)(http://i.imgur.com/w0lPF61.png?1) (https://imgur.com/w0lPF61)(http://i.imgur.com/0HWFsBa.png?1) (https://imgur.com/0HWFsBa)

Signed , Tingleith Guardsman Recruit