Title: Training Report: A Very Serj Training Session Post by: Serj Eason on July 05, 2018, 08:24:16 pm This eve I hosted a trainin' sesh in the Covian fields for tha' fine guardsmen o' Cove. Sadly, mah sketch artist nay showed so I 'ave no paintin's or such to provide (OOC: so annoyed.. my screenshot utility failed me..!) other than this one provided by one of the guardsmen at the start o' the training.
(https://imghost.io/images/2018/07/05/80straining1.png) In Attendance Serj Eason, Guardsman Recruit (Leading) Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman (Supervising) Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Eben Roichar, Junior Guardsman Avalynn Vale, Junior Guardsman (briefly) Rurik Keres, Watchman Saerandir, Guardsman Recruit ~ Circuit Training Part one of tha' trainin' involved tha' guardsmen completing circuits. I created six stations where tha' guards were put through their paces. I. Jig'Fu! A space for guards ter practice tha' Nujel'm art. II. Pushin' Ball! A loaded bagball fer tha' guards ter push. III. Hurdlin'! A series o' hurdles fer tha' guards ter jump. IV. Sprints! Guards runnin' up an' down tha' field. V. Log Lifting! Guards lifted logs from tha' ground, up an' over their shoulders. VI. Tiger Boxing! A space fer guards ter practice shadow boxin' in tha' form o' Tiger Pantsu! - I called for tha' guardsmen ter switch every minute or so and after five ter ten minutes of circuit trainin' they were strugglin' and out o' breath. Special kudos ter tha' Arcanists who were findin' ingenius ways o' cheatin' the circuits, har har! Once tha' circuits were done I raced tha' guardsmen over ter a ice cold plunge pool I 'ad constructed. ~ Response to Orders! For tha' second and final part o' the training we played a lil' game. Tha' guardsmen were given orders by myself an' then them orders were mixed up ter confuse and hopefully focus them Covian minds. We finished up wit' some hill sprints an' a little beverage by tha' north tower. Hopefully, this be tha' first o' many Serj training sessions! More bright colours shall be seen fo'sho! AIIIEEEE! Serj Title: Re: Training Report: A Very Serj Training Session Post by: Raiden Morana on July 06, 2018, 08:10:33 am Damn fine work Eason!
If only I could have attended, I'd 'ave put yer all ter shame! *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. Title: Re: Training Report: A Very Serj Training Session Post by: Serj Eason on July 06, 2018, 11:58:38 am Thank ye, sah!
Serj |