Title: Crystals for Arcanists Post by: Saerandir on July 05, 2018, 09:06:17 pm Patrol led by - Junior Arcanist Abigail Keres
Attended by Officer Cadet Leanne Melior Officer Cadet Elizabeth Martin Regular Grenadier Gimbly Regular Guardsman Marcus Kobra Guardsman Recruit Saerandir Mission - to collect 20 crystals for the use against Vesper in some Arcanist experiment. Before heading off to our destination I was elected to write the report which I accepted. Miss Keres led us to Compassion, through a network of caves and into an area occupied by the previous Lord Blackthorn's minions. We faced many of his strange and very ugly creatures as we battled our way through the ruins that were once a castle. Barely a stone stood upon another stone and the nearby plants were scorched black. I felt this would be what the Barracks would appear like if those 12 cannons were used against it. Once Miss Keres got her bearings we were lead to a strange pyramid filled with more weird looking creatures that attacked us at every turn. It was here we would find the crystals we were looking for. These creatures were quite powerful and several times one or more of our number suffered under their attacks and fell unconscious. After a while we managed to gather the needed crystals and made our way back to Cove where we all donated our portion of the gold gathered, apart from Miss Keres who wanted a new pair of shoes. (https://preview.ibb.co/mOVjhJ/exodus.jpg) (https://ibb.co/eK7mwd) Title: Re: Crystals for Arcanists Post by: Raiden Morana on July 06, 2018, 08:09:22 am Fine report recruit!
*signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |