Title: 24th Armsmaster Tournament - Sun 22nd After Parade! Post by: Keitaro Kazami on July 07, 2018, 02:13:46 pm ATTENTION ALL GUARDSMEN AND YEWISH GUARDSMEN!
I will be hosting the Twenty-Fourth Armsmaster Tournament after the Parade on July 22nd, 2018 The tournament will be held at the Covian military barracks roof and is open for everyone! Just be aware of a few certain rules. Rules: - No Arcane usage of any kind (Magery, Chivalry, Necromancy, Spirit Speak, Spellweaving, Mysticism) - No Bushido or Ninjitsu (this includes passive Bushido) - No Potions, Petals or Fruit of any kind (Including smokebombs) - No Hiding - Only the weapons you are issued may be used in the Tournament (this includes no poisoning!). - Only the Armour given may be used in the Tournament - Only 10 bandages per bout. And what you win, you ask? The deepest respect for your superior skills in the art of warrior, your name down in the Covian hall of heroes and a special engraving on your armour! Come and show your guts! Show everyone your what kind of warrior you are! Be there or be square! *Signed neatly* Keitaro Kazami Regular Grenadier Title: Re: 24th Armsmaster Tournament - Sun 22nd After Parade! Post by: Raiden Morana on July 22, 2018, 08:22:19 am *pins to the top of the boards*
Nay forget the parade at 8pm GMT. The Armsmaster will follow straight after. *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |