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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Rowan on July 10, 2018, 12:30:57 pm

Title: Application fer hound master (an mor!)
Post by: Rowan on July 10, 2018, 12:30:57 pm
A raven soars over the forest and hones in on a post outside the barracks. It caws, drawing attention to a letter attached to its leg.

Hullo, most noble and dignifyed Barun!

I heard you was looking fer someone to look after yer dogs? Name's Rowan Boyd, animal trainer in, er, training. I studied uner Fergus in Skara Brae but lookin to pluy my trade in freer lands.

Iv got two main areas of expertese - messenger birds (by the way pleas feed Jax a smal rodent for delivery of this leter, keeps him loyal an obedient) The raven looks on expectantly and caws again and domestic dogs. With a bit of practice thogh, theyll be hunting down Mongbats like the dogs of hell! Also some up n comin reserch in animal rearin has suggeted dogs are good fer motiviating soldiers in their downtime! Fer now I would seek only an apprintice wage, so yull be getting valu fer money on top of all this.

Pleas send your reply to the Ranch in Skara, Jax has a holder on his righ leg.

Thankin yee,


Title: Re: Application fer hound master (an mor!)
Post by: Octiovus on July 14, 2018, 05:29:00 pm
The Baron finds the letter amid the flood of scrolls and parchment on his desk, reading it with a goblet of Trinsican red in one hand.

Greetings Rowan,

Melville most urgently desires new thoroughbred sporting hound companions to accompany him on his endless quest to eradicate the Mongbat menace. He is most melancholy after the despicable assassination of his esteemed friend and colleague, Bounder. Funds shall therefore be released to have you sworn into the Household Staff at once. High expectations will be placed upon you; hounds not up to snuff will reflect badly on your personage!

Do not fail this most venerable office of state.


*stamped with the Baron's seal*

Title: Re: Application fer hound master (an mor!)
Post by: Rowan on July 15, 2018, 12:27:06 am
A letter is posted through the Barracks door

Most noble and dignyfied office of the Barun,

On getting yer letter I hastile readied 5 of muy most faithful hounds an set off fer yer fine town. I made good time, arrived in Cove laet last nite an am staying in an inn inside the gates on advisse of yer friendly barkeep Carolin. I will attend the Barracks in dew course. Thank ye for the opportunity, I wont let yer down!
