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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Daelin on January 06, 2005, 02:01:22 pm

Title: *A dark muttering can be heard through the halls of the barracks*
Post by: Daelin on January 06, 2005, 02:01:22 pm
*Daelin comes limping along the moist halls of his private quarters with a quick angry steps*

A fool.. FOOL they called me! Ha! I will show them who is the fool now that my project is complete… all those who laughed at me in the start will suffer slow maggot infested deaths!

*Daelin starts to laugh madly as he speaks the words to himself*

It has taken much of my time.. But soon things will be as they should… that foo- I mean… dear of a Baron will once again trust his most loyal advisor.. I serve him well indeed.

*Daelin stops limping forward as he reaches the private rooms of the Baron and a small sly smirk starts to spread across his old worn features*

My wise words will soon fill the mind of the Baron once again..

*Cackling quietly Daelin swings open the door with his gloved hand and raises his voice as he enters the room*

My Baron! Your advisor has returned!


Okay then! I’m back again to cause misery and simply freak out people. :P
My computer was broken for about three weeks now and I had no way of contacting anyone.. Some even thought I was dead.

Uhh… anyway! Good news is that I’m back.. So you might see me around on Daelin from time to time again ;)

Title: Re: *A dark muttering can be heard through the halls of the barracks*
Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on January 07, 2005, 03:12:35 am
Good avatar!

*Flees through the window located in the craftsman room*

Title: Re: *A dark muttering can be heard through the halls of the barracks*
Post by: Jemmy on January 07, 2005, 04:18:38 am
Jemmy was snoozing, curled up under his bench outside the baron's room when he heard the footsteps approaching. He leaned his head out and saw the dark-robed figure, and his keen ears heard the muttering word for word. Hiding flat in the shadows under the bench, he heard the old mans fevered mutterings.

When the old man had gone, Jemmy peeked out from under the  bench, and grinned slyly

"'Urr..tha' bist jus' gran' an' all....anuvver loon wit' pockets ter full fer 'im's own goot, an' yurr Oi bist ter loighten 'is load....meh. Later. Oi needs me kip."

with that, he pulled his cap back over his eyes, curled up, and fell asleep again.