Title: Attack on Cove! Post by: Sheriam Palmer on July 10, 2018, 09:38:15 pm A hastily written report has been nailed to the notice board
Attack on Cove! Beware all civilians of Cove, today we were being hunted by the Undead within our own lands! The Undead have become bolder of late and were stalking our woods for the vulnerable and unarmed. After a tough fight Recruit Sheriam sent this one running, with some help, but I expect he will return! (https://i.imgur.com/wH5XRNG.jpg) Title: Re: Attack on Cove! Post by: Danaeyl on July 11, 2018, 12:35:08 am We will drive back the spreading entropy in our lands, if we fully banish its influence in our hearts. *Ankhs*