Title: [Report] Garshinkle First Patrol Post by: Gary Gallo on July 12, 2018, 02:22:47 pm Two The Captin Ov Ve Gard.
As ye no Garshinkle Kannot rite two gud report of first patrol put on male and sord at baraks (https://i.imgur.com/P4GOzN9.png) wen two ve graveyard to scoot any dangre (https://i.imgur.com/gVBBJRr.png) dere wuz a lot o dangre so i came back BUT ON WAE BAK RAN IN TWO BARE (https://i.imgur.com/BS5nf4W.png) bare is kill by mity sord. (https://i.imgur.com/ljuPSpf.png) Now me wach begins at gayt (https://i.imgur.com/yKmhOL1.png) Learn ow two rite and reed reel fun Title: Re: [Report] Garshinkle First Patrol Post by: Tingleith on July 12, 2018, 10:59:58 pm Great job on your first day amongst cove you've done smashing to defy the figures and survive I see you doing great things for cove. Signed Tingleith, Untrusted Hair Title: Re: [Report] Garshinkle First Patrol Post by: Raiden Morana on July 13, 2018, 07:04:07 am Aye, damn fine report recruit.
*signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. Title: Re: [Report] Garshinkle First Patrol Post by: Serj Eason on July 13, 2018, 12:09:24 pm Welcome to the team, matey!
Serj |