Title: [Report] Officer Pickles' stroll of amazingness Post by: Leanne Martin on July 13, 2018, 06:54:20 am In Attendance:
Elizabeth "Amazing Pickles" Martin, Officer Cadet and leading Leanne "Treeclimber" Melior, Officer Cadet Leith "Twat" Keres, Regular Scout Markus "Juicy tits" Kobra, Regular Guardsman Saerandir "Geoff" Sally, Watchman Garshinkle the wheezing menace, Guardsman Recruit Tingleith, Untrusted Recruit with hair not to be trusted After Senior Eason finished the re-enactment of the Kaldorian war, Officer Pickles took the line of the remaining soldiers to lead them to a little killing stroll. The new recruit, that probably is contagious, said he'd never slain an orc before - Something Covians are best at! Miss Pickles opened us a gate to the Orc mines near Yew, where we casually slaughtered these smelly beasts. Poor Garshinkle attempted to flee after a few scratches and had to be told to stand in formation. Along the way, we slaughtered at the very least (https://i.imgur.com/1gvskb6.jpg) Afterwards, our little force went to the Lost Lands for A total 5,000 gold coins got donated by everyone except for Tingleith, who ran away shortly before gold count to do some errands. Presumably something with her hair. Furthermore, we collected (https://i.imgur.com/CZzOThX.jpg) Leanne Melior, Officer Cadet |