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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Gary Gallo on July 13, 2018, 08:49:31 pm

Title: Garshinkle's Report On Todays Hunt.
Post by: Gary Gallo on July 13, 2018, 08:49:31 pm
Two Comandar Hogie!

Comandar Hogie rooned us up outside the baraks to tak us on a wee hunt.
We had to hunt a Golden Dragon! I not seen any dragon befor
was very excitin
good to be there.
Comandar Hogie said the purpos was somethin to do wit glory? Or claws? Or sumone named Laainie?
either way, me, Tinglith, another recruit Sherath, Raiden, me gud fren Saerandir had a gran ol adventr.

Took while to get to cave of golden dragon. As comandar hogie sayd we got a 'lil lost' but after fitin thru the woods we made it there! We went insid and left a mountain of dead serpents!!! Kil loads of em with our blayds!
After much fitin! We finaly scard the Golden Dragon out o hidin! An slayd the beest!
Wen we left ve tempel we burned it too the ground!
Much gold was got, much jokes was told... until comandar Hogie told us we were to playe game. Portal Roolet? It cud av gon a lot better... We ended up prisonas! TWICE! Then we went to place with strang gren plants with spikes on em! Dey urt! I'd never seen em befor so i touched one an it bluddy urt! Then Saerandir went an jumpd off ay roof aye! Got herself almost killed by snake people!

I av tu tank teh lads on this one! dey even turnd away and wayted wen i went to unleash my own serpent and av a wazzle. aj we got over six tousand gold!
Sorry for por spells, onli jus learnin ow to rite!



Title: Re: Garshinkle's Report On Todays Hunt.
Post by: Hoagie on July 13, 2018, 08:54:27 pm
Great report, recruit! And great fighting out there.

Here are my own sketches of the evening:
