Title: Two ve chuerch Post by: Gary Gallo on July 14, 2018, 11:56:03 pm TO AL AT THE CHUERCH
A report on a gardiun skeleton roming Cove. WARNIN, ee kan go invisibel an ee is rather spooky. Ee uses Magik. Ee showed up when me an billy were avin a lil chat... Demended Billy as 'Trib -The word Tribute spelt wrong is repeated and crossed out a dozen times- 'Triboot'. ee chaysed me and billy to ve chuerch wer we hid for a lil bit. until backup arived an we chaysed off ve bugar. But az we chaysed im we got split up, an he got me in the ribs wit his magik! Cove waz on hi alert after tha. wen a man o ve cloth showd up he was nay helpful. Wen i went two ve chuerch the man in ful playt mayl on a hors sayd we ad to hunt it areselvs but if ee iz a heretik shudn't ve chuerch help a littel? eever way. We went two ve grayvyard an kil a bunch o skeles and zombis. then a Lisch got me! Bout tor me arm off! aint the keepin o ve grayvyard ve chuerches job anyhow? We hol'd up at ve barraks but he nay showd ees face agen vat eve. -Garshinkel (https://i.imgur.com/hBkiAFr.png) (https://i.imgur.com/knYAkyR.png) (https://i.imgur.com/xENN8G8.png) (https://i.imgur.com/pTdfg8t.png) Title: Re: Two ve chuerch Post by: Danaeyl on July 15, 2018, 01:48:26 am Discovering the letter, Danaeyl reads it and smiles slightly at the style and content, replying on the spot. Such local letters fell well into his initiate remit as mostly busywork, but he also preferred that Sir Hugo's first impression of the young recruit was not irretrievably tarnished by his initial naivety, or worse.
Dear Garshinkel, I do not believe we have yet met. One's first encounter with such evil creatures is liable to leave one shaken. Whilst no doubt visceral, your encounter is but a passing glimpse of the depth of danger we face. I am surprised nobody has told you that it falls to the Guardsmen to keep the immediate vicinity patrolled and protected? The business of the Church need not concern you, nor is it open to question in such a manner. That said, you strike me as a sincere man not out to make trouble. So, should you find it reassuring: without the protection of Avatar, and the Church's embodiment of His will, the relative safety of Cove would be a lost dream. While it may seem as if danger lurks around every corner, sanctuary would be a word without meaning without His presence. Your assailant is as a flickering shadow in a vast cavern of blackness, thousands more and worse await in the deep dark, and only the eternal flame keeps them at bay. Perhaps you should visit the Chapel to light a candle against the darkness of your own, should you come across this dark villain and his ilk again. You would be most welcome. P.S. It is spelled 'tribute'. Signed Initiate Danaeyl Title: Re: Two ve chuerch Post by: Gary Gallo on July 15, 2018, 12:13:02 pm two Daenayl
Thank yu fer the responce. I just fourght that the church wud be interestyd in the matter. I maynt nay affence, i am just unshure of how the church works bein new to these here lands. I will dubble my patrolls! i will av this ere undeads ed in a box before long! - GARSHINKLE |