Title: Attack of the Killer Recruits Post by: Sheriam Palmer on July 15, 2018, 03:18:00 pm In Attendance:
Sheriam Palmer, Guardsman Recruit and Leading Garshinkle the Brave, Guardsman Recruit Jon McCaladan, Guardsman Recruit Carolin Argon, Honorary Scout Recruit Tereleith, Honorary Recruit Orcish Spy, deceased - felled by the mighty Gar. Report: A lot of our attention has been placed on the Undead in these lands recently, so much so that I saw some orcs trying to sneak out of the mountains, right into Cove itself! Immediately I put out the call to gather at the barracks all those who's duty it was to keep our land safe! A fine array of recruits and 'other' showed up, all capable and worthy of this task - taking the fight to the Orc Fort. While the fighting was chaotic and one of our number were knocked down we saw the day through. I have no doubt after today that each recruit has a heart of courage and valor! Let that be a lesson to these creatures, let them learn what happens when they test Covian borders! (https://i.imgur.com/oniM5Bv.png) There was some confusion as we left the fort with one more recruit than we arrived with. The strange civilian who loiters around Cove told us that this 'Orc' was tame and would follow her orders. I politely suggested that she take that 'thing' back with her, and not to keep it in Cove. Recruit Gar had other ideas however, he rightly did not trust the Orcish Spy who had so easily deceived the civilian and put the foul creature to the sword. (https://i.imgur.com/xrLo1Tu.png) A sum of more than 8,000 gold pieces was deposited into the treasury. Signed Recruit Sheriam Palmer Title: Re: Attack of the Killer Recruits Post by: Shadwell on July 15, 2018, 03:45:32 pm An excellent report recruit.
And an appropriate response to the Vesperian's foolishness. No Orcs allowed in Cove. Title: Re: Attack of the Killer Recruits Post by: Linaeus on July 15, 2018, 06:20:37 pm Guardsmen,
Your courage and initiative in taking the fight to the orcs has been noted. I have little doubt that if you each continue in the same spirit as you have shown here, you will rise in the ranks quickly. For now, you have earned the attention of Army Command, and are hereby awarded the right to list this expedition on your official records. Keep up the good work. *Signed* Corporal Torrak Keres Baron's Own Grenadiers [OOC: All present may count this as a Guardsman Duty for the purposes of promotion.] Title: Re: Attack of the Killer Recruits Post by: Raiden Morana on July 16, 2018, 06:55:58 am Grand report lass. Good work!
S'nice ter see recruits showin' initiative fer once. Instead o' just... Dyin' 'opelessly. *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |