Title: [Report] A failed trophy hunt Post by: Leanne Martin on July 16, 2018, 10:25:22 am In Attendance:
Leanne Melior, Officer Cadet and leading Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin, Officer Cadet Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman Keitaro Kazami, Regular Grenadier Saerandir Sally Geoff, Watchman Garshinkle, Guardsman Recruit John McCaladan, Guardsman Recruit Tingleith, still untrusted recruit at that point Billy Boots, random Vesperian kid Sergio Jarrett, Regular Scout (arrived at the very end) So, But from the start! I took the... rather young troop to Compassion in Ilshenar as we ventured north-east towards the wyrm's nest. So far no problem, all went well. Just had to shoot Tingleith once as she forgot my order to not run ahead of the leader! And then, we stood at the path leading towards the mountain top.This is also where Pickles arrived and joined our force. I told them to lay down a few bandages for safekeeping. Hah. Back then, the recruits laughed at me. They had no idea how that bloody saved our arses in the end. Right as we started to discuss our strategy, a bloody golden ancient wyrm came running down the path and started breathing its fire at us. Completely caught off guard, we quickly made a quick retreat and gather ourselves again. I ordered to set up an Arkay and I tried to lure it. It could have gone so well, but... While luring it to the formation, the bloody foot made itself noticed again as I stumbled. The wyrm didn't asked any questions and smashed me right to the mountainside, before it went after the others. Beaten and bruised, I called the trophy hunt off. A wise leader knows when the odds are against her, and I shall try it another time. To the way back, I decided we take a little detour through Chaos. That went not bad too, but once again, a few enthusiastic recruits decided to charge ahead, which only ended in chaos. Bloody irony. Officer Pickles and myself got separated from the others. Somehow tho, we managed to get out pretty much unharmed. Just a few bruises and flesh wounds. Regrouping with the others at the moongate, Regular Jarrett was helping them out, while wearing a (https://i.imgur.com/O6MdmZr.jpg) Back home, I lectured them at what went wrong. While I do take the credit of the failure against the golden wyrm, as I did let my pride get the best of me, Chaos was a whole other story... Kazami, McCaladan and Tingleith charging ahead, luring the bloody dragon to us. A huge mistake! And Kobra failing to throw any bandage at me and only really Pickles keeping me on my feet... Another mistake! But we got out. That's what matters. Everyone donated their share of 1,500 coins to the coffers. Leanne Melior, Officer Cadet |