Title: Ting's Tuesday Night Tokunese Takeout Post by: Tingleith on July 17, 2018, 06:59:57 pm It's that time of the week again were I've just got a hungering fer some tokunese ladies soo.... I Decided why not head on down to the fan dancer's dojo teach em's a lesson and get the baron's coffers a tasty sum of gold pieces while im at it (10k) after i'd quenched me thurst fer tokunese blood I returned to the barracks to deliver the donation directly to officer cadet cailin keres along with some scrap metal fer the smithy's te smelt…… Paintings Below Fer Yer Eye's Te See..... (https://i.imgur.com/vcfKxmd.png)(https://i.imgur.com/pEu4yO8.png)(https://i.imgur.com/zorzA9U.png)(https://i.imgur.com/h8whfjY.png) (https://i.imgur.com/IFhJltQ.png)(https://i.imgur.com/RBSCggA.png) (https://i.imgur.com/qpW9Jsv.png)(https://i.imgur.com/0dGvVnW.png)(https://i.imgur.com/LyDLEIK.png) Signed , Tingleith Guardsman Recruit Title: Re: Ting's Tuesday Night Tokunese Takeout Post by: Raiden Morana on July 18, 2018, 09:03:03 am Good stuff lass.
Try and wake a few more of the lazy buggers to tag along with yer when ye can. *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. |