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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Gary Gallo on July 20, 2018, 04:32:38 pm

Post by: Gary Gallo on July 20, 2018, 04:32:38 pm
Garshinkle sprints back to cove after discovering the location of the Undead Crypt due to a hint from a certain wanted criminal that wanted to go round two. He bursts into the Barracks, sweating, coughing, panicking. He looks behind to see if he was followed. It matters not. The information needs to be passed on. He picks up a quill and parchment and hastily begins writing. Occasionally turning around to check if he is being watched. His sword is out and on the table.

Commandar Hogy.

Todays events hav been most Forchunayt. I was mugged early in the day, hence the numerous wanted posters around Cove. Well, i was waytyng around too see if she turnt up agen and she did at the tavern.

I took inishitive. Hoping she may be of use to us i offerd her  her own bounty if she found the locayshion of the undead and where they are hiding. She gave me a cryptyc answer. She sayd "in between vesper and altamere". She said she gayv me the informayshon for free as a tip cos i was funny and most charmyng.  What scars me is that she was rite sir. Maybe she knows mor. I will not take down the posters, she shud be qweshtonnd at once to see what elce she may know.
Well sir. I spent nearly all afternoon after serchin fer the place. Evenchully i found it sir...t'is ard too miss and I notyced that it was nay the first tyme i hav seen it sir. On my way to Cove after bumping into Miss 'Arper I menshonned the playc lookd odd. It lays neer the crossroads on our border wyth vesper. I took detayld sketchings off the playc and coold leed men there agayn.
He then goes on to describe the Crypt in great detail


Garshinkle gets up and looks out the Barracks window towards the direction of the vesper crossroads. He peers into the black night and the rain and can see strange lights on the edge of the Shireland. A shiver goes down his spine, and for once he looks deadly serious, his face lacking in the cheery or jester smile he wears so often to cheer up his comrades. He looks down at the piece of parchment and folds it up. Writing on the new blank face of the parchment he writes...


Garshinkle does not trust anyone else's eyes with such information. The deadites could have eyes and spies everywhere, he thinks back too the Brigand who mugged him and how much she knew... He places the letter into Commander Hoagie's chest and goes back to peering into the darkness of the night...staring menacingly at the lights in the woods at the crossroads.

We've got you now he mutters into the night .... We've got you now.


Post by: Hoagie on July 21, 2018, 09:26:07 am
Hoagie reads the report and sighs.

"Bloody undead, right on our border. I wonder if this is the lair that Escaflowne was supposed to take care of? Orcs, drow. Bloody man probably has undead in his army too, by now."

He pulls out another sheet of parchment and begins writing. (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php?topic=16071.0)