Title: Another Goodbye Post by: Raiden Morana on July 21, 2018, 06:48:59 pm Aries will live! Tripps quick thinking almost certainly saved her life. I was stunned. Rooted to the bloody spot. It was like I was looking down on myself mon, watching, as everything unfolded. Aries' blood on the sandstone paving, she was pale, literally turning green as the Besieger forced potions down her neck. Only his stern words cut through the fog that had enveloped me.
I thought I would lose her, matey. Skip forward a day and I'm sat on a beach talking to you, ten years after yer died. Heh... Ye bastard! Leavin' me and Kelly behind like yer did. (https://i.imgur.com/RJgpYTI.png) *-Raiden tipped the stinking, putrid mix of Vince's ashes and Aries vomit into the sea-* Ye were a brother ter me Vince. More than tha'. Keep an ale cold and a chair warm in the great hall fer me, eh? Goodbye once more bruddah. |