Title: Jack Starling Post by: Jack Starling on January 06, 2005, 04:48:47 pm Name: Jack Starling (although has been known to give false names)
Age: Twenty-Five Occupation: Charlatan Appearance: Jack is a good looking young man with pale blonde hair and blue eyes. He stands somewhat average height and build. He usually wears fine clothes by most standards, but by no means expensive or flashy. He walks with a confident stride and a somewhat vain demeanor, yet still comes off as quite friendly. History: Jack makes his living by relieving more truting folk of their crowns. He is a confident speaker, and from a young age he's used his way with words and good looks to whatever advantages he can get. He thinks himself as a jack of all trades, and has previously worked as a fisherman, a merchant and a cook, but was forced out of each of these jobs when his lies were found out. Shortly after he was born, in Vesper, his mother abandoned him and his father, and so he was raised by his father alone until he was fifteen, and his father could no longer afford to support him. Cast out to fend for himself Jack made money however he could, moving from town to town, even begging. Jack found a lot of people would take sympathy on a young boy left on his own, and the more he elaborated his story, claiming his father was ill and needed medicine, claiming he had other siblings to feed, the more money he could make. This was the start of Jack's life as a charlatan, and since then he's moved from one money-making web of lies to the next. |