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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on July 25, 2018, 07:44:50 pm

Title: Prisoner Transfer
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 25, 2018, 07:44:50 pm
*-A notice is pinned in the barracks and cellblock-*

The Yewish have entrusted their prisoner, the disgraced former Waywatcher Corporal Nadia Smith, into our care, due to fears over a possible breakout from the gaol in Yew.


She is clasped in irons, in solitary confinement until further notice.

She is not to be moved, unless requested by a member of Army Command, Avatarian Church or Militia Command.


Raiden Morana, Captain.

Title: Re: Prisoner Transfer
Post by: Sheriam Palmer on July 25, 2018, 09:29:42 pm
* A private note makes it to the Captain *

Captain Sir,

I regret to inform you that Watchman Tinglieth saw fit to move the prisoner against your orders.


She then proceeded to feed the prisoner food and even fetched a man from the tavern to discuss trial strategy. Im not sure who's side she is on, Sir.


Regretfully I was not able to stay around to hear the full story, I left Recruit Eason to watch.


Watchman Sheriam Palmer

Title: Re: Prisoner Transfer
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 26, 2018, 10:53:56 am
*~Raiden snatches up his quill to reply~*

Good work Watchman Palmer!


Raiden Morana, Captain.

*~Getting up from his writing desk, Raiden spoke to no-one in particular, as no-one in particular was there~*

What the bloody hell is Tingleith playing at!

Disobeying direct orders! Risking the Northern Alliance! Risking the prisoner's own life bay taking her out of solitary.

She's turned coats on Cove once already and now this!

If Smith had escaped or been slain due ter her actions, the blood of hundreds, thousands of slain men and women throughout the lands would be on her hands.

She must answer!

Feck's sake!

*~He shook his head gravely as he strode out from the officer's quarters~*

Title: Re: Prisoner Transfer
Post by: Sheriam Palmer on July 28, 2018, 01:16:26 pm
* Another private report makes its way to the Captain *

Captain Sir,

Last night the prisoner asked me to gather an Initiate for her confession. I have recorded the transcript below.


Father, I confess that I have not been truly loyal to the church. That in my weakness I mocked the father who brought me here. I asked him to play with me in the room over there, but he was unwilling.

I confess that I have teased men with my womanhood. Like Captain Hoagie when I asked if I could rob his head, I did not mean the one on his shoulders. Hoagie is a good man and I should not have said such to him.

I spoke badly of my own Sergeant, I called him weak.

[The Initiate asked of her crimes]

I confess to losing my anger and attacking her. I'm not telling my commanding officer because he was too... [Scribbles]

[Scribbles about kneeling, and asking for a change of clothes]

Lord Avatar, I confess I have done wrong in trying to do your work. In trying to bring down an elf lover I went against my betters.

[Scribbles about whispering]

I ask your humble forgiveness father. Aumen.

[The rest is smudged out, some mention of 'heads']



Watchman Sheriam Palmer

Title: Re: Prisoner Transfer
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 28, 2018, 01:26:42 pm
Good work Palmer!

I was warned that this bitch would do all she could ter worm her way out of swingin' fer her crimes. Poisonin' weak minds, appealin' ter carnal natures, even appealin' ter the vanity of churchmen. Heh. What a snake she is.

Yer loyalty and attention ter duty has nay gone unnoticed Watchman.


Raiden Morana, Captain.