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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Mischief on July 30, 2018, 02:58:29 pm

Title: Letter to Commander Hoagie left in the Barracks office.
Post by: Mischief on July 30, 2018, 02:58:29 pm
Dear Hoagie.

Time you opened your eyes and saw what is going on amongst your troops. Can you not see how low the morale is amongst many of your ranks? Are you yourself comfortable in the way one of your number is abused and humiliated by the church? Was the crime committed by Ilyana Drachen so terrible that it warrants such continual punishment?

You must go to the Preceptor and demand that this ends now. This has gone beyond justice; this is one man’s gleeful pursuit of deviant pleasure. At the service I saw with my own eyes, as did many of the congregation, how Hugo and others took sheer delight in abusing that poor woman. This is in total contrast to the teachings of the Avatar. It is clear these men are touched by the Guardian and are wallowing in the sexual gratification that devil demands. Like me you must have received a copy of the book by Friar Wellesly. Read it and know how corrupt this church in Cove has become.

I beg you Hoagie, grow a pair, take action now and end this travesty. If you do not you are soon going to have a revolt in the ranks to deal with.

A Friend

Title: Re: Letter to Commander Hoagie left in the Barracks office.
Post by: Hoagie on July 30, 2018, 03:58:51 pm