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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on July 30, 2018, 06:11:37 pm

Title: [Apprentice Duty] Watchman Garshinkle
Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 30, 2018, 06:11:37 pm
To Watchman Garshinkle,

     Watchman, good of you to step forward! Know that before you lies both guts and if yer lucky very much glory.
In preparation for your future training you shall acquire the following items, anyway you see fit.

1. 500 Bandages for obvious reasons.
2. 500 Boards for splints, stretchers, etc.
3. 500 Barbed Leather for stretchers, bindings, and necessary supply satchels

You may perform as many patrols or tasks as needed to complete this duty. Post your reports below and inform me when these requirements have been met. As an aside, Barbed Leather may be found on dragons so I'd suggest ye organize and lead a hunt!

Good luck lad!


Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman, Medic, Army of Cove

Title: Re: [Apprentice Duty] Watchman Garshinkle
Post by: Gary Gallo on July 30, 2018, 06:16:29 pm
Looks at list. Gulps.

Dragons? By the fecki-

Scratches beard whilst walking away