Title: Tokuno Hunt - 07/08/05 - 19:00 Post by: Kal/Mathew on July 08, 2005, 03:36:33 am Tokuno, Makoto 07/08/05 - 19:00
Gather at the Barracks Bring yer kit and I mean yer full Kit We are to go forth and investegate a problem that I have heard about. It seems that there are some UnDead there that is causing havech among the peasents there and the Guards are not able to leave to take care of it. More breafing on the Date we are to adventure there. Title: Re: Tokuno Hunt - 07/18/05 - 19:00 Post by: Nashiem De'Monti on July 08, 2005, 09:27:31 am Can you just clear the date up? ye gots 18 / 7 / 05 on tha top of yer note.
But 08 / 7 / 05 on tha actual note further down. |