Title: Gar Division Dragon Hunting Post by: Gary Gallo on July 31, 2018, 07:26:44 pm Lead By
Garshinkle The Honourable, Watchman Accompanied by: Elliot Tyrell, Guardsmen Recruit Marcus Kobra, Regular Guardsman Rook, Watchmen Ostrich Fitzlewald, Guardsman Recruit? Watchman? Wren, Guardsmen Recruit. The dragon hunt started with me pulling out a map at the barracks, where all above had gathered, and pointing at the places on the map which said "Here Be Dragons". It was either Destard, Chaos, or Ice. I decided against Chaos Rook ported us to Destard where we lined up outside and came up with a game plan, we were to head in, stick together, and fight the first thing we came across. It really was a damn shame that the first thing we came across was a greater dragon but I guess you can't win them all. The shear number of untrained recruits and of no fault of my own forced us out of Destard and away from the Greater Dragon. We retreated, regrouped and I alone came up with the idea to go to Ice instead to fight Ice Wyrms. Rook ported us over (i didn't throw up which was good). We advanced in slowly, with Elliot leading the way through the dungeon. We made it too the Ice Wyrms and the Slaughter began. We crushed and cut up Wyrms like professional dragon hunters! It was a great success! We gathered over 200 hides needed for my Medic Apprenticeship and gathered over 21,000 gold from the Dragon hoardes! Each recruit earned 4500 gold each. One thing I will say that was not a success was the occasional lack of basic crosshealing and running away from a dragons fiery breath and claws like a pansy instead of taking the breath directly to the face and letting one of your barely trained soldiers in arms next to you patch up your ruined mug with a skimpy bit of bandage. Overall, thank you all for attending! You've really helped Cove get a new Medic to patch up your broken limbs. Recruits were definitely harmed in the making of these sketches. -Garshinkle The Honourable, Watchman. (https://i.imgur.com/fx2ZLNQ.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/hjv9SvU.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/0h7jMHc.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/a5ca1NT.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/OrotsSa.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/UetQyVi.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/8IXJbYa.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/cwkeSBC.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/6foMDH3.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/LZRspZs.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/lNSoHpn.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/l3qCH5V.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/kA8ECnm.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/398SpxY.jpg) |