Title: A Report to Lord Octiovus of Cove and Nujel'm Post by: Crowley Graves on August 01, 2018, 02:24:40 pm Glorious Lord Octiovus,
In addition to our Many, excited by the new rule did comply with gusto. No doubt inspired to fiscal loyalty by your magnificence. (https://i.imgur.com/7L9SMA9.png) (https://i.imgur.com/OQq4gpg.png) (https://i.imgur.com/QZjygYe.png) (https://i.imgur.com/f0cYCvs.png) As in Cove, people do flout the licencing laws, but they will learn. (https://i.imgur.com/xWOM8yu.png) Though some do heed our laws already! (https://i.imgur.com/c7822b6.png) But none high or low are above the law! (https://i.imgur.com/gMZ3Vep.png) (https://i.imgur.com/GI2SccW.png) Quite literally! (https://i.imgur.com/mtxJ3ng.png) I believe this will be a profitable conquest, My Lord. (https://i.imgur.com/xH4g3Me.png) P.S. A scoundrel who introduced himself as Jassi Cowin attempted to mock this honourable office by trying to pay his land tax with a table. I formally request his file dating back to as far as it goes to check for 'discrepancies'. (https://i.imgur.com/4udZus9.png) SIGNED Graves *seal of Bailiff's office' Title: Re: A Report to Lord Octiovus of Cove and Nujel'm Post by: Axiana on August 01, 2018, 07:49:17 pm *a note written on expensive papyrus is found underneath this report*
My Lord Octiovus Von Richter I was delighted to accept thy invitation along with many, to dine with your charming self at the Town Hall last eve. The food and beverages were simply exquisite. Ye may recall our brief discussion on a rather dull matter, regarding a list of all the Covian Citizens awaiting Shillings and feeling rather unappreciated for all their efforts. I see now that thy staff have released the funds to these very citizens, and that making a list is now totally unnecessary. Ye have done all that the Cove requires. The Covian citizens can rejoice. Hail Baron Octiovus! *signed* Axiana Masteen, Patrician of Cove Title: Re: A Report to Lord Octiovus of Cove and Nujel'm Post by: Octiovus on August 02, 2018, 12:31:31 pm Bailiff,
Cowman is a noted vagabond and blagard, you may review his files at will. You are hereby awarded 20 shillings for your most rigorous efforts. (https://s17.postimg.cc/hzqoty4kv/action_war.png) **** *stamped with the Baron's seal* |