Title: The Goblin Dart Tournament Post by: Yukina Kazami on August 03, 2018, 06:35:46 pm I could not help but look around at the Goblin and realize how unbusy we were. Now this was simply unheard of! I sat for hours racking my brain on what I could do, then it hit me. Citizens, Guardsmen, ALL people LOVE playing darts. They also LOVE getting prizes. I gathered up three hats with jingly bells and had some things stitched up on it, then made flyers and set it up around town, even dropped a few in Yew and Vesper. The night was fairly successful, the goblin managed to at least pull in over 12,000 gold, mostly because that
At the end of the game, an elf named Terelieth was naked and running amuck through the goblin, and here I hoped it would be Tiberius... Scores were as follows: Leanne-189 Axiana-182 Tiberius-142 Terelieth-134 Pickles 125 (https://imgoat.com/uploads/5ded5353c5/131637.png) (https://imgoat.com/v/131637) Title: Re: The Goblin Dart Tournament Post by: Hoagie on August 03, 2018, 06:47:11 pm 40 shillings awarded to Yukina Kazami.
5 shillings awarded to Axiana. |