Title: Delivery from Britain Post by: Aderyn on August 05, 2018, 05:22:25 pm The letter was addressed to a Keres. I’m a Keres. I’m “A. Keres,” in fact. Could it be for anyone else?
Anyway, I read the letter and found dire news. Granny Geraldine was in Britain, waiting for an escort to Cove. She had been waiting for days! I immediately ran to alert anyone I could find to the danger (but there weren’t many on account of it’s so late). Luckily Uncle Kegan was around. He had a boat waiting right in the docks to go fetch our very forgotten Granny Geraldine! Unfortunately Granny Geraldine was not easy to find. We looked all over and talked to a few locals before finally finding her on the OTHER docks. (https://i.imgur.com/7STO5wr.png) (https://i.imgur.com/fx2l2Ez.png) After a harrowing journey back to Cove, I could think of only one place to deliver Granny Geraldine. There was only one place safe enough. In old age, the biggest killer is... loneliness! So I took Geraldine somewhere she could do the most good. (https://i.imgur.com/s7QMAnd.png) Title: Re: Delivery from Britain Post by: The Paymaster on August 13, 2018, 12:05:00 pm 5 shillings awarded to Geraldine and Aderyn.