Title: A Night With The Captain & Corporal Post by: Raiden Morana on August 06, 2018, 09:55:13 am When: Tonight 7.15pm onwards
Where: Rally at the Barracks Join 'Sentry Sanderson' and myself for an evenin' o' duties! S'nay ter be missed! All guardsmen and townsfolk welcome. We'll be travellin' the lands in search o' new recruits. Nay doubt posting a sentry or two. Perhaps a trainin'. Patrols. General shenanigans and the like... *signed* Raiden Morana, Captain. [ooc]This will be a rolling event lasting a couple of hours or so, so feel free to rejoin later in the evening if you have to log. Any non wytches especially welcome from 8pm onwards.[ooc] |